Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hola! Sorry the letter is a bit later than usual. We had a really nice P-day. We got hair cuts and did our shopping. Then one of the sisters needed to get some medicine refilled in an area out side of our zone. Because it was our pday we were all able to go and visit the mall there! It was the craziest experience! First we went to the drug store that was, I'd say half of a wal mart and we were all really overwhelmed! We didn't know where to start looking. I kept saying Wow over and over again. I didn't really need anything but it was weird being somewhere that has so much! To bad we had already gone shopping It probably would have been less expensive where we were. Then we were able to go to the mall, again very weird! You really forget about all that stuff, we each were able to buy something we needed that we can't find in Laie so that was nice.
The rain hasn't started to come down like I remember it last year, it's rained off and on but Im sure it will rain more in December and January. I can't believe it's already fall for you and cold. That is something I am so grateful for, to not have to go find people to teach in the freezing cold weather! Things are going well in our new area the members are very supportive. We are actually going to be speaking in that ward this Sunday. It will be my companion (and oddly enough) my first time speaking in sacrament meeting.
That was fun to hear about Payson temple that will be so exciting! I had no idea Kirsten was even engaged! Tell her congrats from me that's really neat. Any one else engaged or getting married that I haven't heard about?
Well sorry it's short but we didn't have a lot of time today. Just thought Id fill you in on some fun things we did. I love you all and will talk with you next week!