Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Thanks for your last email I love getting updates on how everyone is doing. Things are still going haha. We had some difficulties and a cool experience this week. We were a bit annoyed because all the investigators we have have pretty big road blocks and we are dropping the one who has a baptismal date because he is not progressing. Then one of our members told us they had a couple of friends that they were going to take to the English ward on Sunday (meaning they would be taught by the other sisters). That's another hard thing when we have referrals or tract into someone we have to give them to the other sisters. So we were a bit disappointed. Then in our meeting with our ward it was announced that if things didn't improve the ward would be losing their missionaries and they would go back to sharing with the English ward. It's kind of harsh but there are a lot of challenges. We truly depend on the members because we don't tract into Tongans here. If the ward wants baptisms they have to help. In other wards we could probably find and teach on our own but it's different here. So well see what happens in a few weeks. However, Sunday after our meeting we were able to meet the couple our member had taken to church. The member convinced them to come to our ward next week so they could sit with them and take their niece to primary. They said that they would like that. They also set it up so that we could have dinner together on Wed! That was really cool. They are such a sweet couple I can't wait to teach them. This maybe the miracle baptism Ive been waiting for :).
I was reading an awesome talk today by Elder Bednar its called the strengthening power of the atonement. It was so good I encourage you to read it. It talks about how we don't understand all of what the atonement means. It's not just for the sinner but for the good who are trying to be better. It's the atonement that can help us in difficult situations. He gave a lot of examples from the scriptures about people who rather than praying for their circumstances to be changed pray for strength to overcome their circumstances. Very good talk. There is so much that we don't comprehend and it's so easy to think about how we want things to happen and get upset when they don't happen that way -does it sound like Im speaking from experience? haha- I love how in the gospel when our hearts are soft we are able to learn, and there is always something to help us and encourage us even when times are hard. I think about all the ones I love who are going through hard things back home and I think about how much God loves them and will help them through their trial, especially if they ask.