Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Back to it...


It's very strange to be back home, because sometimes it feels as if I have never left.  I have all these new experiences and friends but they are all some where different.  It's almost like Narnia I suppose haha.  It's nice to be home and be with family and friends.  It's hard to know what to do next.  I know the Lord will guide me. I just getting a little tired of hearing the question "so what are you going to do next?"  It's not a bad question I just don't have a good answer so it frusterates me because I have always had a plan in my life and now I don't.

Since I've been back Ive been able to get a bit done like: getting my stuff organized, gardening, searching for apartments, searching for jobs -no luck on that one yet- enjoying having nothing to do :) watching a lot of movies, spending time with friends and family, and more errands.

It's really hard to put all my thoughts together.  Before my mission I was really worried about leaving because somewhere deep in my heart I knew that things would never be the same.  Not with friends, and not with life in general and that scared me.  Now that Im home Im seeing how true that was, but as hard and sad as it is to let the past life go I know that something better is in store for me.  I now get to apply all that patience I learned on my mission and just take things a day and a week at a time.

I loved my mission and all the experiences I had.  Im also looking forward to the new journey that's about to start.  It's Like the Goo Goo Dolls said "Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end."