Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Where in the world?!

Wow do I have a lot to tell you! This week has been very interesting, in fact this transfer has been interesting it's had it's challenges, in ways that it really shouldn't have been but Ive learned a lot. So because sister Sandstrom and I are the sister Trainers we got to find out the transfer news before the other sisters. That was very nice because we have worked very close with these sisters and were very curious how the Lord would pair them up to make the most success here. Let me just tell you I am so grateful God is in control because even though we know these sisters we don't know them as well as God does and he puts things together so beautifully! So I told you I wasn't sure what was going to happen right? Well from that meeting on Saturday I found out that I will be going out full Proselyting. But I had to wait for my call from President to find out the details. We learned that two new sisters will be coming and that 4 VC sisters will be going out. This means there are 28 VC sister- 8 out full pros. that's a lot! This next transfer will be so much smoother than the past ones I'm a bit sad that I wont be here. So Sunday night I received my call from President. He said "Sister Pinder the Lord has a new assignment for you." sounds good bring it on "sister Pinder you are going out full Proselyting and your going to Maui" haha AWESOME!! "There's more, you will be companions with sister Sekona" (sister Sekona is also a visitor center sister, she was in the beach pad with sister Sandstrom and I very loud, fun Tongan :)) Wow if I'm with a sister from here that means we are white washing the area. " There are two other sisters there but they just have more work than they can handle". Sounds good to me, we have no idea how full pros works but if they are so busy that means we will also have a lot of work; I'm okay with that. "There's more sister Pinder, you will be serving in a TONGAN ward." huh ? Excuse me? "Don't worry they mostly speak English" ha ha oh boy... Well I guess you could say your little girl is not going to be so little anymore! One sister said she is going to measure my cheeks so she can compare if I come back. ha ha I must admit I'm a little worried about my stomach, the way to these peoples hearts is how much you can eat and I can't eat much :(. Man these last few transfers God has really kept me on my toes I didn't expect this. I'm excited to go to Maui but I'm a bit nervous for the first few weeks. I'm sure things will work out they way they are supposed to. So I will be getting on a plane tomorrow at 8 am. This means we have to leave here by 5:30, phew.
Have a Maui Christmas! ha ha
Love Sister Pinder.

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