Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Craazy Week!!!

Aloha! So it has been really rainy and actually quite cold. Not your kind of cold but still. I saw my first HUGE toad yesterday and also a Huge snail that had a one of those conch shells on its back it was something new and fun to see.
So super craazy week, we had transfers and so my p-day is now on Thursdays. Elder Eubank sure likes to have fun with us on transfer days. It's quite intense because you don't know who you will be with (you hardly ever stay more than 2 transfers with a companion), what wards you will be in, what house you will be in... and a lot of times you only find out that you will be going full pros. the night before transfers. So elder Eubank makes a power point and pairs us all up on the theater screen and we watch as he switching things around and teases us. I'm with a sister from Taiwan and she speaks Mandarin Chinese but speaks English very well too, her name is Sister Lu. I moved out of the beach house and am now in the Big pad. It's a little sad I love the beach house (the bed especially :) ) The Big pad is the house just above all the other sisters houses (see picture) and is nice as well since it's closer to the VC. The Big Pad is for the sister trainers; so I am now companions with the sister trainer. Sister trainers are in charge of the visitor center training meetings that we have on Mondays, accountability (getting our numbers on Sundays) and teaching through exchanges, it's a lot of work but they do a great job. That means that I will be on a lot of exchanges too so I have to know what I'm doing because other sisters will be coming to my area. Sister Lu has a lot of meetings so I'm in charge of making appointments and calling zone leaders and basically anything that needs to be done while she's in her meetings. What makes that hard is the fact that we now are assigned four wards, one family ward, two byu wards and then the other singles ward which covers a huge area. Two of the wards want to feed us, so we have to work something out so we don't have to eat two dinners in one night. It's kind of scary and a lot of responsibility. I feel like I'm just barely getting the hang of everything, but it will all work out, its good for me. So in our pad there is a sister who just came back from full Pros. She is originally from Mexico, so naturally she speaks Spanish. We get to spend some time together when our companions are in meetings. It's fun. I never thought I would be able to get to know so many sisters from so many different countries.
Yeah seeing sister Johnson's family was quite fun, it's nice to see and talk with people who have some of the same connections.
Elder Pinder, driving in Mexico sounds like an adventure. I had to drive my other companion to the dentist the other day, because she lost two fillings :) (about an hour + drive). It was a also an adventure the free ways here are not so free, at least on this side. There are stop lights and the speed limit is like 35 mph so it can be a bit annoying. I'm glad I don't have to do that every day.
We have a baptism this week!!! My first one. He is so great, but a bit nervous. I'm so excited for him. Now we are just trying to find someone else to teach. We teach a lot of less actives and members especially now that we have been assigned four wards, so hopefully we can find someone through the members.
Well mom I'm glad that you were able to take a little vacation, to answer you question about the scriptures. I don't know that I have a favorite quite yet. I have been focusing on really studying the scriptures, trying to understand how they related to me and what's really going on. It's so amazing I'm learning a lot. For example 1 Nephi 17 When Nephi was building the ship and his brothers were murmuring and basically bringing him down. Nephi relied on the lord. He didn't let what others said and thought bother him even his family, he told them that the lord commanded it and that he trusted in the lord with all his heart. He was overcome by the spirit and all that he told his brothers was from the lord. It made him weak because the spirit was so strong. He warned his brothers not to touch him. Now here's where I learned something new, I always thought that Nephi touched his brothers right after this to prove that the lord was with him and let them feel the lord power. But actually it says in vs 52 " neither durst they lay their hands upon me nor touch me with their fingers, even for the space of many days" Nephi walked around for quite a while with the lords power, and the brothers didn't go near him. After a few days then he touched his brothers and they knew god.
How often do we get scared or depressed when people from the great and spacious building mock us for doing what we know is right? How often do we brush it under the rug because we are afraid to tell someone what we believe? I still am trying to be bold and tell others that I know what I am doing is right and it is the lords way. I want others to feel the lords power when they are around me because that mean I have his spirit and am doing what I am supposed to be doing.
Applying the scriptures really makes them more important aCheck Spellingnd so much more valuable. I love learning new things. I also received a scripture from sister Whitney Anderson that I refer to a lot its Alma 26:27.
Any way. I have to go, I love you all and can't wait to hear from you. I also wouldn't mind some pictures. :)

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