Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year


So tram this week was really fun it rained a lot, they say that this is the most rain they have received in two years! So picture this, two,short, sisters in red ponchos, drenched, inviting people to line up in the rain to go on a tram tour. There is so much water that there is practically a river flowing in the road! It was pretty fun but hard because there were people hiding from the rain and they weren't very happy when we told them the last tram was full. We have three tram shifts, tram 1 goes on the hour, tram 2 goes at twenty after and tram 3 goes quarter to, and lately we have had the third tram. The third tram is hard because of the last tram. We don't really have a lot of sincere people who ride they just want to waste time before the night show starts, which is fine, but they can be the hardest to talk to and get referrals from.

Christmas was fun we watched movies and had a gift exchange. The members were really sweet and gave us a bunch of groceries and toilet paper. :) New Years will be the same, movies dinner and then a talent show.

Yesterday in the VC two little girls came in with their dad and Sister Wantanabe and me we on the couch and the two girls came over and started talking to us about everything they could thing of it was super cute. One of the little girls (2) asked another sister what her name was she pointed to her badge and said "sister Brown, what's your name?" the little girl spent some time looking at her shirt trying to find her name tag, mean while the other little girl was in front of sister Wantanabe and she was singing the song from the book Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you See? It was so funny because that little girl sang the whole book, and I could tell Sister Wantanabe didn't understand what was happening, she was just nodding her head. I had to try really hard not to laugh.

I suppose I'm on the other end of what Elder Pinder experiences, I don't have to learn a language but I'm around sisters who are still learning, and I feel for them because I can empathize how hard that would be. It's hard for me too though because sometimes I don't understand what they are trying to say and it gets more frustrating asking questions because it just gets more confusing. So we just go with it. :) You know you don't realize how American you are until you start talking with someone who isn't. :) We have a lot of fun here because there is always something new to learn or to teach. The other day a Senior Elder asked me if I was learning Japanese, I told him a little. He asked if I was teaching English terms, I said yes and he said well try these terms : the lights are on but nobodies home, the elevator doesn't reach the top floor, and I lost my marbles. Ha ha, it was really fun to explain, and then when I told the senior couple what I was teaching my companion they added, hold your horses, and don't get your panties in a wad. My pad sisters also explained "cheesy". So it's a lot of fun. I forget about all these sayings and words that mean things to us but have no meaning to others. While reading we also come across words that I know but then when I have to explain its really hard.

Elder Pinder I know that more happens than what you are telling us, and I know that you have miracles all the time and good experiences with people you teach, and hard times too. I also know that you have at least 40 minutes to write so you had better be using all your time to share you experiences! You need to bless your family with all the insight you have been gaining! I know that if you do this you will be able to remember more fully all you blessings, WILL YOU DO THIS. :) how's that commitment?

You know there are two things that never change, one, is trials and two is the happiness the gospel brings. Yeah times can be hard but if you are following the lord and asking for help their is nothing we can't over come, the bitter will become sweet. Sometimes we just have to ask. There have been a few days that I have woken up grumpy or had become annoyed at something but when I think about why I feel that way I know that Satan is at work, I quickly pray that I can get rid of those feelings and feel the happiness of the gospel. I haven't ever done that before, I just allowed my self to become more depressed. The gospel truly does bring so much happiness we just have to embrace it.

p.s thanks for all the birthday wishes, please thank the Dicou's and Burnahs, and Auger's, I will write to the ward but I just don't have time to write everyone. Also I have looked and looked through all the letters from the ward and I didn't see any from Brooke and Kelsi are you sure they were sent?

Also, I'm glad for the family update, it reminds me that time hasn't stopped or changed. :) It helps me to be more specific in my prayers.

Dad have fun shoveling the snow ha ha, sorry we aren't there to help, I actually get to help a family paint their porch this week so I'm still working on other things as well as teaching the gospel.

Love you all! Enjoy the New year and make it a good one!

Sister Pinder

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