Tuesday, December 14, 2010

L. Tom Perry and Sister Perry

Hey! So it's finally my P-day I just happened to have arrived on my p-day and we didn't have any time to do anything. They say if you can make it till Wednesday in the MTC you can do anything, same thing when you get to you mission. There is a lot to learn and it was quite difficult to adjust but I did and I am loving it. I know the lord knows me well because this is the perfect place for me. I love the visitor center! We have shifts so sometimes we are at the visitor center sometimes we wait at the PCC to give tours to come to the visitor center and then other times we are out teaching and trying to find new people to teach. The hard thing about where we are is that 80 % of the people in Laie are members. Which is great but we don't have the opportunity to teach a lot of new investigators. We are trying to find new ways to meet new people to teach but it's really hard.
I have already had some great experiences and also some really hard experiences. I always get really excited when I get to share my testimony and then someone shows interest in learning more. My third day here we gave a couple a tour and they turned out to be very anti. I didn't know what to say and he kept trying to make me believe that what I was doing was wrong what I believed was wrong. I must admit I cried after that encounter but it was okay because it just made me so much stronger I think I was mainly crying because of how "lost" they were and I couldn't do anything about it there understanding came from probably the computer and they weren't interested in learning the truth from the source.
I love it here the spirit is so strong and 95 % of the people are all so nice and happy. I think I was pretty much born to be an Asian person in a American body :) Most of the Asians have a birthday in December and then there's me. :) My companion is great! She's from Japan and she's shorter than me! ha ha I'm pretty average height here and that is nice. I get to give hugs to people who are my size. The best things come in small packages. :) Her name is Wantanabe (2) (Wan-ton-ah-be) there are two Wantanabe's and so we have to number them. There are only 5 Americans, 6 Japanese and the rest are from various islands(9 others). Understanding can be a challenge at times but we really do have a great group. There are only four elders in our area at a time which is a little weird, we only see them when we have meetings.
In the little town of Laie there is one grocery store and no where really to shop. It's tricky to buy groceries because we only have $175 a month and food isn't cheap. I haven't had the chance yet to eat with any of the members but I'm told that I need to learn to eat REALLY slow, because its offensive to not finish your plate.
We live with two other sisters who are a lot of fun, my poor companion is stuck with three of the five Americans. :) Our pad (house) is one of the nicest, we are literally right on the beach I wake up to a beautiful sunrise. The other sisters are all really close to one another but we are in a special pad farther down the road because the other sisters get to do online chat for LDS.org. Elder Eubank (he is our visitor center director) said he put us there because he knew he could trust us not to use the computers or be tempted by the beach. Because where the sand begins the mission ends. :)
Oh when I got here I got a cubby to put all my stuff in and it was decorated really cute, one of the post its said we are glad you are here and can drive! A lot of the sisters can't drive because of foreign license. So I have been driving, its not bad because we really don't have to drive very far.
So one of my mistakes was not bringing any cardigans it can get pretty chilly, and I can't go shopping. Also because I get to drive I would love to have the Cd's I left in my car, you would have to take out anything that wouldn't bring the spirit (there's also a CD in the side of my door) Sorry I know that you probably thought you were done sending me things. I will probably be sending my temple things home- because of the chaos that the temple is in now with everyone and their dogs going :) we only get to go twice a year. Sad I know but the President is trying to work things out.
It would be nice to have dear elders to read during the week so that still the same. My address is 1500 S Beretania St Ste 416 Honolulu HI 96826.
I talked to Elder Eubank about calling and he said that I could call on Christmas eve if that would be easier and I could call at 5 here so 8 there? Or I don't know if Christmas would be better just let me know so I can schedule a time to call. We only get 40 min. Oh I will also probably be sending most of the calling cards home, you can send them to Tucker, it's free to call while I'm here at the VC, and it's the only place we can call from.
I think I answered most of you questions. Let me know if I didn't. I haven't heard anything from anyone so let me know what's going on. I also still need Tuckers address. And if you are thinking of things to send, anything snacky we love things to snack on during our vc shifts. The senior companions sometimes buy us dried fruit and nuts and they are usually gone by the end of the day. :) Thank you for all you do I love you and I will talk to you next Wednesday. (it might be later because we won't be able to email till about 3 because of a meeting.) Love you all!!! The Church is TRUE!

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