Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One more week in the MTC

I saw Bryce for the first time, today I'm sure he will give you a bit of a up date. VC training has been great I am so excited to get out there and teach. I get to go to temple square tomorrow to practice everything I have been learning. The VC sister are all really sweet. I'm the only one though that hasn't had to learn a new language. There are four sisters going to Arizona (Spanish speaking) and five sisters going to Honolulu. Three of the sisters are Japanese and my "companion" is Filipino they all had to learn English. You will laugh when you see the picture because all the sisters going to Honolulu are really short. and then we have a sister who is 6'1. On Monday we get to go to the call center and call the referrals we received at temple square.
Thanksgiving was great. we had a devotional in the morning and Elder Holland came to talk to us. He had some elders talk about certain things and then his grand children sang I know my heavenly father loves me. That was kind of hard because it made me really think about the kids. The rest of the talk was really good Ill tell you about it on Tuesday. We also did a service project, we assembled kits to make back packs. We ended up with 33,400 backpacks to make for elementary school kids.
So last weekend we took pictures with our teacher and he decided to hold his breath so we could take a funny picture of him turning red. Pretty soon he let out his breath and knelt on the ground he crawled forward a little bit and then fell forward on the desk. a second later he sat up and said what happened. We thought he was kidding around (he's a really funny teacher) but he wasn't he actually passed out in class! It was pretty funny and a little scary too.
I was sad when my district left I miss them and dutch class was a bit hard because I was pretty much on my own. But I'm doing great now and can't wait to leave.
I saw Bishop Hyatt here the other day as well I didn't get to ask what brought him to the MTC but it was nice to see a familiar face.
Well thanks for all the packages and your love and prayers. I love you all.
P.s don't use apostrophes in dear elders they look weird.
I also need Tuckers address so I can write him
I included a video of instance that occurs during class one time. When we are late we have to do a door approach. Our teacher came to the door and was telling us he wasn't interested one of the elders called from inside say "who is it sonny?" our teacher said oh don't mind him that's my grandpa he has mental issues. And he was run over by a Bishop of the LDS church. The Elder said "Mormons" It was really funny so we had the elder replicate it. Not as good but still. I had to let you know it was coming next week.
Dad tell Brittany thanks for the letter it meant a lot. I would write her back but I don't have her address.
times up love you talk to you next week in HONOLULU!!!!

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