Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another week

Another week has come! All is going well I can't believe that it is already Christmas time! We are going to have a fun Christmas, we aren't going to be proselyting on Christmas day because most of the people around here are members and they will be spending much needed time with their family. We have a dinner and a movie planned for Christmas. For New years we are planning a missionary talent show. My companion and I have a pretty much amazing talent planned. More to come later.
We are now working on OYM's.(Open your mouth) It's our new zone goal. We have a hard time meeting new investigators so we are now working on OYM. This means "Open Your Mouth." We need to get two a day and they have to be someone we don't know and aren't members. It's pretty difficult but it's really needed and I have a feeling that my faith is about to start growing bigger. :)
It rained here pretty much all last week and I must say prune feet aren't exactly enjoyable, but like they say, the rain here is our snow and it's that time of year.
Thank you for the package! It was great, tell the ward thank you for the letters too, ha ha especially the "random kid from the ward." I borrowed another sisters gear so maybe now I can send some pictures through email.
I love you all and will talk you you this weekend.
Keep working hard Tacoma district, the lord is aware of you and will guide your every step if you let him. We have been using 3 Nephi 12:14-16 and Helaman 14:5 to let people know that Christ was made known to all people and is still a light in our lives. Stay strong.
Till next week
Sister Pinder

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