Monday, March 7, 2011

HUGE Spider!!!!!

Things here are going better, our ward is really good it's just hard because their are only a handful of less actives and they have told us that they need a break ha ha. So our family ward is only member and a couple less actives, with a few potentials that we are feeling out. I'm glad the ward is active but its hard on those days we have a lot of time and no one has time for us. We did have a miracle the other day though. We were going to see one of the non members in the ward but she wasn't home. Another woman opened the door and was very friendly she is visiting from Taiwan so we asked if she would like to learn more about the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. She said that she is exploring religions right now and wouldn't mind learning more about ours. It was my first productive tracting experience and I was so grateful for it. We couldn't share the message there due to the fact that she couldn't let us in because is wasn't her home so we set up an appointment this week and left her with a restoration pamphlet. It will be amazing to see what happens because she lives with two other non members and hopefully will help them feel better about meeting with us too.
My companion is good I like her a lot. The language thing is still kind of difficult though but what can you do. We had a HUGE spider in our house the other day. It was literally the size of my hand, I'm pretty sure it would have made Jamie pass out. :) the four of us were scared to go down the stairs because we didn't want it to jump on us. ha ha. we finally got a garbage can and were going to trap it. We all crept down the stairs and just as we were going to put the can over it, it ran! We all screamed so loud (it was about 7 am) we finally trapped it but it scurried out again causing another scream. Our neighbor came over and asked if we were OK. She could see the spider from outside and wouldn't come in ha ha. we sprayed it and it ran into a gym bag, our brave sister Brown zipped him in and put him out side. ha-ha the woman told it it was a Cain spider, they used to live in the sugar can. Elder Eubank told us they aren't poisonous and they eat roaches. After we debated keeping one but decided roaches were better than spiders because you couldn't see them. :) any way you should look up Cain spiders and see what kind of pets we have here. :)
Thank you for all you help and support, I have to go so I'll write again next week. Love you all!

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