Saturday, February 26, 2011

Transfer! Feb 26, 2011

Hey! . Today is a makeup pday because we missed ours because of transfers. Our new pday is Monday so I'll write again on Monday. But things are going okay, this transfer is going to be pretty tough. I changed areas and am now with sister Kamada, she's Japanese and is very soft spoken but very honest, and funny. The reason it's going to be hard is because we have about 8 nonmembers who have been taught a lot and they are pretty hard to get a hold of we also have some less actives who are also hard to get a hold of. Oh and me and sister Kamada came out at the same time. So there is still a lot that we don't know. I was pretty overwhelmed my first couple of days because I feel like even though sister Kamada has been in this area for a couple of transfers its so big that we don't really know what to do. Not to mention we are both still learning how to teach (can you imagine trying to learn a new language and how to teach and how to help someone understand how the area works, it's very challenging, for both of us) . But man I'll tell you the power of prayer is amazing. I just keep asking for help and a while later my feelings are completely different, I know the lord is just telling me that everything is going to be alright and to just keep trying our best. From one moment feeling like things are too hard and I'm a failure to feeling confident and reassured. I'm so thankful to be loved. Change is hard but it is truly what helps us grow.
We had an experience the other day, a couple came in and they asked a lot of questions and were fairly curious, I could tell their hearts were a bit hard. They believed in Christ and and the bible we shared the restoration story. I asked them about prophets and if they could believe one leads us today. They basically said no. I asked them what a prophet did in the bible. They said they prophesied of Christ but once Christ came they didn't need one anymore. I testified of the Book of Mormon and how it also testifies of Christ, I invited them to read it for themselves. They didn't want missionaries, and said that they didn't need another book to follow Christ. It made me sad that they believed in Christ but truly thought that he wouldn't lead his people today like he did in the past. I mean after all he will come again, that is why we have a prophet today to help us stay on the path. Sister Kamada said that she was reminded of Ammon when I was testifying of the book of Mormon. That made me excited because I felt like a true missionary. And I thought well yeah we are like the people in the scriptures. Not everyone we share the gospel with is going to accept it but our mission isn't to drag everyone to baptism, it's to cry repentance to the people to invite them to change their hearts and follow god. That means following his mouth piece which is the prophet. It felt good to bare my testimony about the Book of Mormon the spirit was strong, and I know that it is the key stone of our religion it proves god is the same yesterday today and forever.

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