Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Familiar Faces

Another week gone, crazy. This week has been extremely busy and slow at the same time. I know it's a bit weird but our schedule is completely full, but the visitor center isn't all that busy.
I was thrilled to see Grandma and Beth this past week and am truly grateful that I was there and was able to show them around. It was a beautiful experience and I will remember it for the rest of my life.
So I received two wonderful surprises yesterday! Two packages from my loving parents and grandma. They were AWESOME, the other sisters were thankful as well and have been so kind as to help me eat all the candy :).
I forgot that you were leaving and would be gone for a while. How's the trip? I hope you are enjoying it, especially the weather. I definitely can't complain it truly is perfect :).
We went tracting for the first time the other day. It was a neat experience but I must admit a bit stressful. There was a area with three houses on the hill and we went and knocked on one door and were able to talk with one woman for a while and she was really nice but then an older woman and her husband came out and were on bikes and told us we needed to leave because they were closing the gate. We walked down the drive way with them but they really didn't want to talk with us. They of course left the gate open though when they left. :) Tracting is hard because who ever we find we have to give to the elders to teach because they aren't in our area. So it's nice to do for the experience but I prefer to stay in our area.
Mom the ring is beautiful thank you so much, but... it's a half size to big. I would just deal with it but I know you paid a lot for it and I don't want to lose it. I pretty sure I'm a size 6. I was also wondering if you could send dice. We have a lesson we do with dice but they don't have any here in the store.
Thank you for all you do and I love you all. Until next week.

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