Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blessings Feb 10, 2011

I have been so blessed this week! I was able to see a few people refer for missionaries, and we have a couple of investigators now with baptismal dates! Both of them had heard the lessons before but weren't ready. Now the spirit has taken hold and it's a completely different story. It such a testament that it really isn't what we say or do it's when they person is ready and the spirit confirms what they have learned. We had a special visitor center training from brother Lusvardi. He is "in charge" of all the visitor centers around the world. I actually was able to hear from him while in the MTC and when he talked with us on Monday he told the story of Julia the waitress from Olive garden. It's a really good story. He asked his kids where they wanted to go eat. They told him olive garden. Now he hates olive garden because it's not authentic Italian food, but he went because that is where his family wanted to go. The waitress was Italian and was 72 years old. She brought out "beautiful salad" and made it look beautiful on the plate. She told them that she would bring out the food for them, they didn't need to look at the menu, she knew what was good. She only had three tables because she took such good care of the tables she had. She loved them and took care of them. Brother Lusvardi said they continued to go back. Not because they food was great but because Julia loved them and they loved her. They would go for celebrations and Julia would give counsel and advice. One day they went for a birthday but it wasn't for a celebration. This was the birthday of a daughter that had passed away in a car accident. Brother said that he didn't want to go but that they needed to tell Julia that their 20 year old daughter had been killed in a car accident. He said their was no talking of counsel at this meal. Julia cried with them and loved them. They still keep in contact today.
Brother Lusvardi asked what missionary work,(or jobs, and home) would be like if we all were like Julia? If we loved everyone we came in contact with and weren't preoccupied with the actual "job" with what we should/shouldn't say (for us he was referring to giving tram tours). Even though I had heard this story before, I think I needed to hear it again. The whole training was about helping people feel they are important and that this message we have to share is such a blessing! I just made me so much more excited to share this message. If Julia can love strangers this much her first time meeting someone I can do that too. I can help others recognize the peace and happiness felt in this church is a piece of gods love he is giving to us. Do people know what blessings this church can bring? Do they know how much god loves them? I have truly felt gods love for me and all the visitors who have come to the visitor center this week. I just wish everyone could feel this! Honestly, they can but everyone has their agency, they have the choice to decide if they are going to allow god to love them. They have the choice to recognize gods hand in their life or not. They have the choice to follow Christ or not. Because when it all comes down to it that's all this Church is. It's the commitment we make to follow god. I struggle with the fact that people choose not to allow god to love them. I mean after all why did Christ come to earth? Because he loved us enough to provide a way back to our father in heaven. He loved us enough to be that perfect example so that when things get hard we have someone to turn to. My testimony of my savior has grown so much since being on a mission. He Loves us SO MUCH! and it is his only desire that we follow him so that we can return and have eternal life- immortality with god! It just blow my mind that some people say you know think I'll just stick with the promise of immortality it's easier, when we could have eternal life and live with our heavenly parents forever. Our father is master of the universe, creator of all things, our brother is our savior our example. I can't imagine living my whole life and not be able to return to live with not only my earthly family but my heavenly family as well.
I hope you all know how much I love you! I know that I didn't express it a lot before, I suppose showing emotion was almost like showing weakness but not any more. I know who I am, I know who you are, I know how much you matter and I can't be deterred from sharing this message. :) Read the scriptures they are the word of god, they are the counsel from our past family and from our supreme father in heaven. I love you all and pray that you have a fantastic week.

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