Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Easter!!!

Hi! It was so nice to hear from you. Mom I'm so glad that you are feeling better! It must be a priesthood week, I just read an email about sister Anderson getting a blessing as well and how much that helped her. I'm am so grateful for the priesthood. It's really what makes our church different from the others; we have the power and authority from God and when we take care of it we are blessed.
I am so very blessed and I must say my Heavenly and Earthly parents take very good care of me. I haven't received the package yet but most likely it will be waiting for me when I get home. That always seems to happen. But thank you so much. So I seem to have a problem every transfer with losing a specific item. My first transfer it was keys, second umbrella-which was not a good time to lose that, third was my wallet and this transfer it has been my planner ha ha. But I have really gained a testimony of prayer, Heavenly father has always blessed me when I have asked for help. Maybe not right away but it comes. I also lost 20$ recently and that's not good because this transfer we have to make all of our own food and we don't have money to spare. It was such a blessing to hear that you put a little money in the package and some money came back from taxes. :) So spoiled.
Im still in the Visitor Center-and always will be unless called full Prostlyting- but instead of having wards to work with we spend time chatting. We don't have as many sisters now though so our hours are really long. My companion and I are at the VC from 9-5 and when we train other sisters on chat from 9-9 with a few hours break for meals and comp study. It's been a tough transfer because we don't have a lot of "area time". I do get to go to a previous investigators baptism this weekend though and I'm really excited, he's from Haiti. Ill try and send pictures.
But I really do like chatting even though we hardly talk to the same people more than twice. The trolls are all different some you can tell right away when they are messing with you but some act like they have serious questions up until the end. They usually ask science questions to let us know they are trolls. The most common thing we hear is "how do magnets work?" why magnets I have no idea. Apparently there is a site they put funny chats on and I think that that is most peoples motive, but I don't see how it can be that entertaining because a lot of the time we either play back or try to actually have a serious conversation about religion. If they are bad enough we just end the chat and find someone else to chat with. I will be online for the next two transfers so it will be good to finally stay in a area longer than one transfer.
Dad thanks for letting me know about Chelsea I was wondering how she has been doing. How has Leland been? Oh and that other missionary hmmm, Elder Pinder? ha ha
Tennis was good we just play at BYUH. At least with watching that surfing show you know I won't be eaten by sharks. :) OH please tell Bryce CONGRATULATIONS, I have meant to tell him that for a few weeks now. Im so excited for them!
Sorry this letter is all over the place but I do want to wish every one a Happy Easter! It's so nice to be at the visitor center and share Easter Messages all the time, but especially this week. This is one of my favorite videos that we share, It's Elder Holland talking about Jesus' Christ Sacrifice for us. It's called None were with him Hopefully we can all remember exactly what the atonement means for us and think of ways we can repay our savior. What will you do to show your love to the Savior?
Love you all, have a great week!
Sister Pinder

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