Monday, April 4, 2011


HAHA well it's transfers again and after a hard start in our area trying to get to know everything and trying to figure out how to find people to teach and how to best teach with my companion by the end we have one progressing investigator and two with a date!!! It is such a miracle. The stories behind those with a date are pretty neat. Last week we had a couple- the girl was a member, come into the VC and one of the other sisters gave the tour. They wanted to meet with missionaries and then we found out that they were in our area so we set a time to meet with them. Yesterday we taught them for the first time and the guy his name is Siope has a baptismal date at the end of the month! He said that he kept feeling like he's being drawn here! So neat. We have also been teaching a man whose originally from Haiti. We taught him once and invited him to conference, he said he had to work and wouldn't be able to. We received a call from him today and he told us he went to conference and he was wondering when we hold baptisms!!!! So by the end of the transfer we have two with a date and one who I think may have a date tonight.
So I just came to this area and was thinking " well my companion has been in this area for three transfers and I just got here so I will probably stay." WRONG!!!!! Say hello to the new online missionary! YEP that's right I do not have an assigned ward and my area is online! Isn't that crazy! So the people who browse and then have questions or even people who want to bother us come online to chat and me and my new companion talk with them and invite them to learn more from us or local missionaries. Im really excited to be online, they have started letting sisters try it as part of our shift so i have experienced it once before. Oh and no you probably wont be able to chat with me (I know that's what you were thinking), haha the chats can go to any missionary who is assigned to be an online missionary, Provo, SLC and any where that's been connected to chat. I am a bit sad to have to hand over all our hard work to the elders. They have some amazing people to teach who have been led by the lord. But online will be a great experience.
My new companion speaks Russian, she was born in Germany but now she claims Provo as her home town. So she says shes American but her flag is Russian. We will live all alone in the beach pad. I like the beach pad but its going to be kind of lonely. We really will be together 24/7, my other transfers we have had the opportunity to talk with other companionship's but we are on our own now. Each transfer provides challenges and blessings and it no different this transfer.
I have been a bit sick this week, how do you get a cold in Hawaii I don't know but it's been a bit of a Challenge. Mom I hope you are doing better, keep me posted on what happens. I know the Lord will take care of you so don't be afraid to let me know whats going on :).
I saw the youngs ( he took a picture of course to show you later) and the Dunnaways this week. That was fun to see people from home. The Dunnaways told me they are going on a mission, and I thought that was so neat!
It was a bit hard to wake up at 5 to get ready to watch conference at 6 (especially with my cold) but it was so worth it. We watched most of the sessions at the Visitor Center, except the last one when we went to a Church to watch it with one of our investigators. I loved the talk about Be and Do, as well as Elder Uchdorft's about not waiting on the road to long. Sometimes that happens as members as well we wait to long to do something we know is right. There are so many things I could talk about with conference, but it basically comes down to what Elder Holland said. There is something for everyone when you take the time to listen. And boy was that ever true! I'm so grateful to be here and to be learning and growing from all the experiences I'm having. Missions are so amazing, even though they are hard.
and Little brother HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I hope you have great day! Does you mission do anything fun on Birthdays? We sing a happy birthday song and have cake,sometimes.
Oh yeah so my Pday will now be on Tuesday. I will probably have one on Saturday this week because my companion hasn't had a pday yet.
Oh will you tell grandma Pinder thank you so much for the package that was really nice and we really enjoyed it!
Thank you love you all!

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