Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's Simple!!!

Man it was SO awesome to have received word from everyone this week! I had wondered what happened to my other siblings, it's nice to hear that all is going well. That picture was SOO cute, I can't believe how long Izzy's hairs is and Mattie's getting her permanent teeth in, Jet looks a little different too. I think Grady is the only one who looks the same :D. Elder Pinder! You look all grown up too! awwww and you sound like it :). Have you gotten taller?
Things seem like they have slowed down at the Visitor Center which is kind of hard because we have longer shifts. It's starting to get really hot here. I'm glad that I will basically be inside until July, and then who knows where I be then. Our zone is doing awesome! We have really been trying to get our numbers up this past transfer and we have Miracle May coming up. We are seeing the miracles. Our goal was 10 baptisms this transfer and we already have 15 with a date and we still have two weeks to go. President is really pushing us hard, he really wants to reach vision 100. 100 worthy baptisms a month. Because we don't have a lot of time in our area we truly need help from the Lord and I know that we are getting that. Before when we had a long time in the field we only baptized 6 in a transfer, so it's amazing to see what can happen when we ask for help and push forward.
Chatting can be quite depressing because we talk with so many people who have such a sad out look on life. Sometimes we can help and other times they don't really want help. I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like not believing in God and knowing about his plan. There are so many people who have weird ideas about God and they twist the Bible and make Him so complicated. But it is simple. God is our loving Heavenly Father, His son volunteered to save us and God sent Him to bring us home. They have one purpose and they love us. We are not here just because! This is our time to prepare to meet God again. "We can't let Satan lead us to believe that everything is okay." That was the message we received in ward conference. Satan is constantly making us feel comfortable where we are, and teaching us that we don't need to improve. But if we don't improve then we digress, it's been proven in every aspect of our lives. If we don't use it we lose it. If we don't improve we stagnate. So what is one thing that you can improve on this week to help you prepare to meet God?
Thanks for the update, can't wait to talk to you in a couple of weeks.
Sister Pinder

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