Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Lots of interesting things have happened this week. Ha ha, I have felt like dad a little bit this transfer: Hey did you turn out the lights when you left the room? You probably shouldn't put that down the disposal it will clog, did you lock the doors when you came in?
Had fun fixing our disposal after it was clogged with potato peels, and last week we had some things taken from our apartment because the sliding back door was left open(like open, open). We think it might have been a homeless couple who live on the beach. They took some essentials like blankets, towels, my Gatorade and Oreos. ha ha and of course my companions electronic face scrubber, that was random. They didn't take our computers, DVD player, jewelry or anything of value (not that we had much) The only thing that was really sad was they took her temple packet. So we might go see if we can see it on the beach (Elder Eubank suggested it.) She was really upset- and I felt bad for her I had her watch this video called come what may and love it. She didn't think it was as funny as I did. :) But it was a good transfer.
I found out yesterday that I am going to be online with Sister Sandstrom she's from SLC. We are going to have so much fun together! This will be her second transfer, and we have been called spoiled on several occasions because neither of us have had to lived in the small apartments yet. I'm really excited to work with her. This will be my first companion that I will get to stay with for 2 transfers.
It was sad to say good bye to the Crouches they are my last grandparents who were here when I got here. But I'm happy that they live in Payson. :) All of the senior couples live in Utah which makes me happy that I can find them when I get home. Elder Crouch (Keith) is on face book dad so I'm sure you could look him up if you wanted to.
I'm glad that you were able to get away for a while how was St. George? Hopefully the weather was nice. It has just started to be nice here. No dogs on the bike trails I hope. :)
Well family remember What ever comes in life it is for our good. And it is so much fun to share later. ha ha. I have loved writing down funny moments in my journal it makes those hard days so much better. We had someone suggest writing down lessons we learned on a note book every fast Sunday. I think I'm going to try it, it's going to be one full notebook.
Here's your challenge, when ever you write me send me a funny moment or blessing you have received that week for the next month. You will start to see how blessed and fun life is. :)
Here's my funny story. So today we had deep cleaning. I was vacuuming and then
Me: Oh MAN!
Sister Alexeenko: What, what happened???
Me: ....I just vacuumed up a gecko
Me: hm that's something Ive never said before

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