Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Things are going really well. I love my new companion! She is awesome, she's from Salt Lake City (by the avenues) her parents asked where I was from and said you should have dinner together. :) She knows the Clairs and went to Africa with Ally Clair. Her work ethic is similar to mine which makes things really nice and she loves to make missionary work fun. I was really surprised that they called her to be my companion because this is only her second transfer, and that is pretty odd to be online that soon. But I'm really excited that we have two transfers together (a first for me :) ).
Mckell ... Ballard I can't remember her married name, came to the visitor center yesterday. When she saw me she called out my first name, and it confused me for a minute. We had a really good talk and I found out that she lives over here! She showed me some pictures of the little ones which was very nice. She talked about how the two of them were feeding the missionaries and helping some of their friends make some necessary changes in their lives. Cort even baptized one of his friends recently. It was neat to talk with them and to hear that they are involved in missionary work.
Online is going pretty well we actually have a couple of people that we are working with, which is super nice. One of them really wants to be baptized but he wants to wait for a month till he goes back to Utah and his girlfriend can be there. We are really trying to encourage those we talk with to have phone conferences so we can have a little more control over when we get to talk with them and we can also cover more information that way too.
I came across a scripture that I really love. The longer I'm a missionary the more intensely I desire this: Jacob 1:8 " Wherefore, we would to God that we could persuade all men not to not rebel against God, to provoke him to anger, but that all men would believe in Christ, and view his death, and suffer his cross and bear the shame of the world; wherefore, I, sister Pinder, take it upon me to fulfill the commandment of the prophets." There are so many who say they love God but like it says in the scriptures their lips speak of me but their hearts are far from me. I see why God had such a struggle with the hypocrites, they think they are doing okay and then they sit and pick and pick at others when they aren't following God at all. I truly wish they could see themselves from God's perspective. and like it says in Jacob 2:15 O that he would show you that he can pierce you, and with one glance of his eye... It reminds me of a child who does something bad and looks to the parent. The parent doesn't even have to say anything they just have that look and they know they are in trouble. I couldn't ever handle a look like that from God. But I do know that God does love us as his children and hopes that we will all make that choice to follow him.
Well I have an appointment so I have to get going, but I love you all so very much. Send me some more pictures okay?

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