Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Online is Awesome!

This week has been so cool! The longer im out on my mission the more I love it. Me and another sister sister Wong, while on exchanges, were talking about how we are scared that when we get home no one will see the changes that we have made in our lives. I told her that our personalities are the same and we may seem like the same people but we will know the impact the mission has had on us and the differences will be so internal that it wont necessarily matter if others can see it or not. There is a lot that I am working on but it's so amazing to be in a position where you can just focus on building your spirit this is the only time in my life that I will have to solely devote to improving my spirit and Im so grateful for it!
This week we met a lot of really solid people online. Im really excited for them. We met Victoria she's 20 and is from California, she's researched the Church for a while but her parents are really against it. We talked to her for a long while and at one point she said that she felt horrible that she promised her mom she wouldn't join the Church. We continued to talk and answer questions and I felt prompted to invite her to be baptised. I waited a while and thought well we really aren't talking about that. I felt prompted again so I extended the invitation. she said "YES!" We said the missionaries in your area will hold a baptismal service on the 25th of June will you prepare for that day? She waited a long time and then responded "well my grandma drags me to mass on Saturdays -she's really against me joining the church- could we do it on a different day?" haha so we moved it to the 29th. :) Supper neat she's great. So we contacted the sisters in her area and they will start to teach her! We will stay in contact though and make sure she's doing okay.
Then we had Geoffrey and Brandon. Both are 18 years old whose parents are against them joining the church. However, they have both studied on their own and want to continue to do so. Brandon still needs to gain a testimony of the first vision, but we have contacted his missionaries and he will have the discussions. I'm confident that he will have a date soon. Geoffrey had a date when he lived in Utah but had some issues with his mom and had to move to his dad's. He contacted us and we have been having phone conferences. He wants to be baptized but he wants to wait till he goes back to Utah in July (so his fiance can be there). Last night we were able to set a date for him to work towards on the 16th of July!
Lots of miracles it's been so great. My companion is great we have a ton of fun together but we are working really hard too. Our pad is great, no Cain spiders lately :) I'm starting to get slightly worried that things are going a little too well... but I'll be grateful for what I have and when the trials come will know that it will be for our good.
It was nice to hear about your funny moments/blessings please continue to do that we are all so spoiled I don't think we realize it sometimes. Mormon 9:16 "Behold, are not the things that God hath wrought marvelous in our eyes? Yea, and who can comprehend the marvelous works of God?"
Love you all! Talk to you next week!

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