Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Well how is everything going back at home? I can't believe that it's thanksgiving time already! And Christmas is right around the corner. I'm looking forward to talking with you I can tell it's going to go by really quick. Things here look really nice, I love it when all the Christmas trees are set up, it's so fun to hear and see the guests reaction when they see all the trees. Even though I didn't get to set any up I still had the chance to rearrange somethings. It's not that they looked bad I just wanted to help and some of the trees were not very balanced so Elder Eubank asked me to help.- my companion didn't really understand why I had to rearrange a lot of the things that had already been done, but if she only knew who my mom was. hahah, just kidding. How is/was your Thanksgiving? That's something Im really starting to miss, MTC Thanksgiving doesn't really do it and Im not quite sure what's in store on Thursday here in Hawaii. Give everyone a love for me.
Oh so visitors for this week :) I met the Stones from Woodland Hills, Sister Stone knows you dad from the Woodland Hills counsel thing- I can't remember the name- Then I also met the Hyatt seniors! They were so cute and so sweet. They told me that Karen is engaged! That's neat I didn't know that. Anyone else in the ward getting married? Elder Pinder I also met a girl quite a while ago name Ali or Allison... sorry I forgot her last name she said she knew you from track. I also ran into your friend from California Brother Drake Aumua? He was wondering how you were doing and if you're training now. I told him I wasn't really sure what you were up to. :p
That's really sad about Brother Williams! Im really going to miss seeing him at church. I hope that their family is doing okay.
For Christmas I don't really need to much maybe a couple of tops that I can button up or don't need an undershirt, and a cardigan.
I never did hear back how Kate and Beth are doing? Did their surgeries help?
Well sorry its short I love you all and I know that God is watching over his sheep and calling to them, but only some will listen. I love you and hope that you will take time this Thursday to think about what our savior has done for each of us, and what he is still doing.
Have a great Thanksgiving. Talk to you next week.

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