Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This past week was pretty good. Im really enjoying going on exchanges and meeting all the different sisters I never thought I would get to learn so much about so many different cultures!
The Hyatts I met last time were the seniors I think brother Hyatts parents. They were so cute. And no I didn't get to see the Ballards they left 5 minutes before I came on shift. They left me some notes though so that was nice.
Thank you so much for the package! That was great. It's nice to have those granola bars and cookies they are easy to take on the road. Sister Rodriguez really loved the baby bottle pops I came into the room the other day and her mouth was completely blue, she said "do you think your parents will send you more of these thingies?" It was so funny! I also was able to share a bag of the caramels with the Elders during one of our meetings, they were gone with in 10 minutes :). Thanks for the money too, it was very helpful.
This Thanksgiving was so awesome! One of the other sisters invited us to come to their dinner. The Rams were so amazing they cooked Turkey, potatoes, bread, stuffing, of course rice and we even had purple sweet potatoes, and all kinds of pies. As great as the food was that wasn't the best part. The Rams had invited some non members to come! So one day while sister Ram was ordering food at a restaurant she heard this man contemplating with his two daughters what they should try. She went to them and told them all the good things they should get. They then asked her about other things they should see and do. She gave them a list and told them to call her if they ever need help. Well on Thanksgiving day they called and asked her where they could eat- since almost everything was closed around here. She then invited them to come to her home for Thanksgiving! They were so nice, and from Georgia. I bet it was a bit weird for them because there were six missionaries there eating. But I had the opportunity to talk with them almost the whole night. Apparently they travel quite a bit and love meeting and talking with new people. The two girls were very nice and they definitely had southern accents :) We ate and then we did Turkey bowling very fun. I was then able to give the man a Book of mormon and other materials. It was such a great opportunity. Im so grateful that that memeber had such a full heart and talked with these strangers even something simple as suggesting something good to eat. It was a cool experience. I was so excited to talk with a non member who wasn't from Laie haha.
I'm greatful for our many blessings and for a father who helps us to be stronger and will support us as he's helping us to become stronger. :)
Love you all thanks for your prayers.

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