Monday, January 23, 2012


We've finally learned transfer news! and no surprise Im staying in Maui for another transfer. It's really crazy to me that I only have a few more transfers left. It will be nice to stay here for one more transfer but challenging too. We had some cool experiences last week. We've been able to set baptismal dates with three people and we have some potentials. They aren't extremely solid but it's something to works towards and is better than what we had at the beginning. It's crazy that six weeks have past already! Not to seem ungrateful but I hope the next six week pass just as quickly. I miss the visitor center even though things sound a bit crazy with the new director arriving. It's just continues to confirm to me that I was called to the right place and God knows and love me so well. Which means it's the same for all his other children. Sometimes I get so frustrated with my brothers and sisters I don't know how to help them and it hurts my heart. There are so many people who have returned from missions here and they know whats right they know the blessings that will come from living the gospel but they choose not too. I guess that just comes with living in the last days and being tempted by the adversary. I sometimes get overwhelmed, there is so much work to do in this world but unless people have that desire to change they just get annoyed with missionaries trying to help them. We become burdens because deep down they know what is right. The thing they don't get is we are never going to leave them alone because they are our brothers and sisters and we love them. We are not there because we hate them and love to annoy them no one wants that, but we care and hope that they will see that. I didn't choose to serve a mission because I wanted to bother people I chose to come because I love my savior and I know that He loves his children and he is searching for the ones that will come back. It's a long trek to find them and not easy but its worth it. This work is hard but I love my savior more so I will continue to work hard.

Thank you for the encouragement it is always appreciated, I love you all so much and will talk to you next week!

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