Monday, January 16, 2012


Hi again. hmm, I think this is the first week Im a little stumped as to what to write about.
I must admit my companion and I have talked a lot about whether this ward has enough work for us to do. We were a little frustrated about how much open time we have and that really makes it difficult especially when your trying to stay focused. We wrote to President and told him to recombine the wards again, he told us he wasn't about to give up. I felt like I was lacking faith, then in church on Sunday the lesson was on faith. we read from one of the manuals a story about a mission president telling one of the missionaries " give the Lord a Chance, he's put you here for a reason, he will open the way" It hit me pretty hard. That was just for me. It was God's way of saying don't give up keep going. Attitudes are so important, they are hard to control sometimes but I know that when we are in the right mind set we can see miracles. Transfers are next week and Im pretty sure Ill be staying here another six weeks but you never know. I do know that wherever Im sent Im going to have a different attitude. I know it's not going to be easy but I've made it this far I know the Lord will continue to bless us. I've been getting the reminder a lot this week to look at the good. We stopped in on one potential we like to talk with. She gave us some more good advice. She said "Be grateful for what you have, and for what you don't have." So whenever Ive complained about something Ive said something Im thankful for. there is so MUCH! So try it out this week. When you are stuck in traffic be thankful there is more than one lane and that you have a highway that for the most part gets you places quickly. When it snows and is cold be thankful we have the tools to remove it :). There is always a blessing that comes with the trial. Sometimes we just forget to look. I love you all and will let you know what's going on next week.
P.S. Thanks for the updates with the kids I love hearing about whats going on back home.
Love Sister Pinder

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