Monday, January 30, 2012

Malo e lelei

Another week. We had some good experiences and some frustrating ones. I really want one more baptism before I come home but I am being tested, so we'll see how things go. We have one scheduled for the 25th but he has word of wisdom issue and I don't know how dedicated he is to quitting but we are trying super hard to help. We have quite a few potentials but they have have huge road blocks that are not going to be solved in a few weeks so we'll just have to keep working.

Here's my funny story for the week. Yesterday (Sunday) we had just finished a teaching appointment it was about 12:50 and we were on our way to Church. We received a call and I could hear my companion say just Sister Pinder? Okay the topic is solving your problems with the Lord, sounds good. I could have died! This is only my second time having to speak in Church and I have to prepare it in 5 minutes! haha. I could tell my companion was so glad it was me and not her. So when it was my turn I stood up and said "Malo e lele, my name is sister Pinder and I'm obviously from Utah. I'm very grateful to be here, but do you know why God gives us companions? It's so that when we don't know what to say they can take over, so I'm going to turn the time over to my companion." I turned around saw the fear and a look like I might not survive later and then turned back to say "Just kidding, but I know I just gave my companion a heart attack." It was so funny and the Tongans loved it they kept saying later "oh you got her!" haha. I ended up spending most of my talk in Romans 8 which talks about how we are children of God and nothing can separate us from his love. We just need to remember the purpose for trials. It went okay, not as well as if I would have had time to prepare but it went fine. It was a good topic though one I wish I would have had more time to delve into but I challenge each of you to think about it. How can we solve our problems with the Lord and in the Lords way.

I love you all and will talk with you next week!

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