Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aloha From Maui

Aloha from Maui!
Well we had transfers on Wednesday and I thought I was going to be called to served full Proselyting but it's not meant to be yet . Maybe next time :) Sorry for the trick but I couldn't resist. Something new and fun did happen though, I am now in a tri companionship. I really love my new companions. I'm with sister Largent who is from Oklahoma and is an ultra sound technician. This is her last transfer here so she's very experienced. Then there is sister Wada, she is from Japan. We were pad mates last transfer and had a lot of fun together. She also came out with me so I have been with two out of the four I came with :). The interesting thing is that even though I came out with 5 other sisters they will all go home before me. :) Being in a companionship with three should be interesting, were going to have to figure out how to give trams tours and other tours in the visitor center. I think that teaching will also be hard but with some extra practice we should be okay. It's weird being in three wards again and having dinner appointments. I'm really going to miss sister Sandstrom! I'm just glad my follow up comps are great.
The last week of online was pretty slow, we did hear from the Vietnamese family they said that they are just waiting for permission from their family and then they will be baptized! I am so excited for them and so glad that I was able to meet them. They are so Golden. :) Member missionaries will start sharing the lessons with them and helping them prepare for baptism.
We also had a celebration this week with President and Sister Dalton. We received 320 self referrals in the Visitor Center and we very excited since this is the second month that we have hit our goal of 300 referrals. We had homemade pizza and a enjoyable time.
This week in VC and District meeting we talked about the Book of Mormon. It truly is one of the most important tools that we have. We focused on reading the introduction and helping others understand what the Book of Mormon is and how it can help anyone in any part of their lives. These are some of the points that really stand out to me when I read the introduction to the Book of Mormon "It puts forth the doctrine of the gospel, outlines the plan of salvation, and tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come... We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to PONDER in their hearts the message it contains and then to ASK god, the eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost." If you haven't recently read the introduction to the Book of Moron I challenge you to do so. It is through this Book that we can know God better. Once we have a testimony of it's truth it's like the introductions says "we invite" we should share more often what we learn in our studies and share the Book with others who are close to us. I know that this is God's Church and that he does still talk with his children today, it's by the Book of Mormon that we can know of a surety these things are true.
I love you and hope that you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA,MOM, DAD, KACIE, JAMIE.
( I didn't hear from you mom and Dad you must be out playing, hope everything is good :) )

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