Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Aloha Ohana!
Sounds like the wedding was nice, tell that cousin and uncle of mine if they have any extra invites I would love to have one. I would also love some pictures of the event, I'm so glad it turned out well. I feel a little gypped though I'm not getting full account of what's going on :) How was St George mom, and your ride dad? and What did you do at the pre-reception?- you can't just say you went here and there, and it was good and not tell me details about it, ha ha especially when I can't ask questions it's such a killer. And you still haven't answered my question from the last few emails, when are you going to Disneyland?
This week has been a little rough, not bad but there has definitely been some adjustments. Companionship's are great but they can be hard especially when you really have to work to build a relationship, it takes a lot of work. So it's really hard when there's three. I feel like I can't connect as well for some reason. I think the communication is the hardest part, I love my companions they are so wonderful, but sometimes they keep things from me in order to spare feelings, this causes a rift and just doesn't work. I have to figure out a way to communicate where I don't rub either the wrong way but where we are able to have fun and teach in unity. We'll keep working on it, it's just different from my last comp where everything was out in the open and I knew she really cared. I'm trying to figure out how to duplicate that again. Anyway our area is a bit smaller than most and we only have 6 non members in our ward. And I bet you can imagine they have been tracted to death. ha ha. So we are praying and working hard to find new investigators. We had a couple miracles on Sunday as a result. We sat in front of a non member at church- she was visiting a friend, she's staying in a host family for 7 months- Sister Wada could here her friend translating from English to Japanese so Sister Wada ended up sitting next to her and translating the meeting for her! She came to the VC later that night and sister Wada gave a tour. We found out that she has met with missionaries before and want to be baptized but she is worried about her family. She might bring her mom and sister so we can show them the VC. The sad things is she isn't in our area so we can't continue to teach her. But it was a neat experience. Also on that Sunday we had a student call and ask if we could come to Church and teach her friend Carlo the Restoration. Of course we hurried over (sister Wada had became sick so it was just sister Largent and I) Carlo was so great! He has such a sincere desire to learn. He is also from Honolulu and his fellow shipper isn't in our ward so we might have to pass him off too. Once again sad but we were still glad for the experience. Hopefully this week we can find someone to teach who is in our area.
Im so grateful for good friends who share what they know is true with others. Without good friends missionary work wouldn't be very effective. I know that God puts people in our way that we can bless, and that if we put God first in our lives everything else will fall into place. We might not always know who needs our help but God does. If we pray to know who God needs us to help he will let us know through the Holy Ghost. We can really bless our fellow brothers and sisters but if we are only consumed with our own lives we miss out on opportunities God has for us to be a part of his great work. So try it out this week. Pray to know who could use a hand or even just an encouraging word. Our ohana is so important to God and it's up to us to strengthen it.
I love you all and hope you have a great week.

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