Wednesday, August 24, 2011


How is everyone doing? Things here a pretty much the same, we are staying really busy. We're trying really hard to find new people to teach. We may have found a couple of people who want to know more so that should be exciting. It's weird that we are already three weeks into the transfer! Only a few more weeks and we will be switched around again. Things are going well between the three of us we are always trying to keep things balanced.
We had a wonderful tram tour the other day. It was a man and his wife who were originally from Italy, they now live in Las Vegas.. They were so funny! The man- Dominic said that his daughter had only let him take pictures of the temple the last time he was here. He was so excited to go into the visitor center. After we show the 5 minute video he came out and gave me his business card and said here, this has my phone number, my address and my full name. I was confused I said so you want missionaries to come? I was a little shocked, we hadn't even asked them yet if they would like to learn more. He said yes yes. Ive never had that happen before. It was great! He told us that he worked or was some how involved with submarines. He has been around the world 3 times! When we asked how long it takes he said about 6 months depending on how fast they go. It's so fun to hear about peoples lives and meet people from all around the world.
Speaking of which I saw the Gibbs family, im sure they told you, it was great to see them. Sister Gibbs said that she has Izzy in her class and she's doing well. And there will probably be another person calling you to tell you that they saw me. haha. I know it's kind of random to get phone calls from strangers. It's weird for me when they ask for my number, haha it's nice of them though. I don't think I have ever thought about people contacting missionaries parents before.

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