Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doin Great

Things are going well here. I don't have a lot of time to write, we had Zone Conference today and to so we had half pday yesterday and half today. It was really good, we talked more about how to focus on teaching and how to improve our skills. Sister Dalton asked for advice from her boys who served missions and they told her about how their mission has impacted their lives now. One said that he sent a letter home to his dad saying the mission wasn't for him. His dad said you aren't the type to quit, stick it out. So he did and when he got home he started his own business and went from door to door trying to get his business started. He said that he was use to being rejected to when he faced rejection he just moved on. Another son talked about how his mission help in the family. To be able to communicate with his wife and be able to adapt teaching styles for their children. Another son said that on his mission he was tired of doing the same things every day and excited to get home and break things up, but he learned that that's just life. But because of the mission he knew how to better handle the future. It was really neat to hear about their experiences. I know the mission will benefit my life in the future but I suppose I hadn't thought about how many ways it will influence me.
While we were sharing a message with some of the students at BYU I shared this scripture in Helaman 10:5. I have really loved it and know that it applies to many areas. It says "And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyness, behold, I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will." Sometime we feel that the things we are asked to do are monotonous and repetitive. Especially when it comes to the gospel. Pray, read, go to church visit/home teach. But we are promised that if we do these things we will be blessed forever! That's a promise I'm willing to make. I hope that you will be able to recognize the love and blessings God has for you this week. I know that he cares and is looking out for each of us.

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