Friday, September 23, 2011

New Changes

I'm glad you got my last email I was worried you wouldn't with all the pictures I attached. So I bet you are all wondering what happened this past week huh? Well first off my pdays are now on Fridays. To answer dads question our pdays have to switch because we have shifts at the cultural center and the visitor center, if all the sisters had pday on one day like most missions then there would be no missionaries at the visitor center and PCC. So we take different days. Its been really nice because Elder Eubank was able to figure out a way so that no one has to have pdays on Monday or Wednesdays when we have meetings that last a few hours. Time on pdays is precious so it's supper nice to be able to have all of our time.
Okay so what happened to Sister Pinder? Did she get sent to another island and by chance miss her first flight? Did she get called to be Sister Trainer- the sister who is in charge of Visitor Center trainings and exchanges? Or did she get called to train a new Sister in a new program that the Church is starting?
Any guesses?
I'll let you think about it for a little bit. :)
Me and my past companion sent off sister Largent and she was very ready to be home. It's nice to just be in a regular companionship again. It was supper nice to hear from Elder Pinder I'm so grateful that you are able to enjoy your mission and work hard. Did you get my letters? Ill try to write you again soon, I just seem to always run out of time.
Mom, I plan to write grandma but I'm not sure when, I feel bad because I just haven't had the chance yet to write her and thank her for the package and for the emails. Will you just say something to her for me till I can get something sent out? Also how is Carisa doing? She getting really close isn't she. :)
I loved your emails this week! I can just picture and imagine everything that happened. I feel bad that Mattie's favorite rides were closed that stinks. Did all the adults have a good time?
Alright Ill stop making you think, but maybe you got a small taste of what's it's like to have to wait for transfer news. So on Saturday night I received a call from President. I was kind of hoping to be Sister Trainer because that would mean I would get to stay in Laie for Christmas- I love Christmas here.:) But I wasn't called to do that, then I thought well it would be nice to go out now because again I would be back for Christmas- haha. Nope, President and the Lord have called me to train a new Sister! So in the mission they are starting a new program. New missionaries will be with their trainers for two transfers. While they are in the MTC they focus on 8 fundamental principles, basically how to teach. They don't really know what to teach though. So now we will have 2 hours for companionship study plus our personal study time. It's a great program because the goal is that new missionaries will be prepared enough that if they were asked to train after their second transfer they could. It's a bit challenging here though because that's three hours of studying plus our six hours on shift. It doesn't leave a ton of time to find people to teach. So we will be praying very hard that the Lord will guide someone to us, just like he has done for me in the past.
My new companion is Sister Rodreguez, she's from Guatemala! So she can teach me a little Spanish. She speaks English very well and I can tell that she is going to be a great missionary. There's a lot to learn here in the first few days but she doesn't seem to be stressed so that's good. I know the Lord is helping me because I honestly am just trying to pretend like I know how this new program works haha. I have learned a lot since I have been here but I know the new missionaries are going to be so much more prepared than Elder Pinder and I.
So on Wednesday I was in charge of taking two sisters to the airport. It was very stressful because we didn't know where we were going and traffic here is a nightmare! It's also been about 10 months since I have been able to drive over 40 haha. Well because of traffic and a weird lay out at the airport one of the sisters missed her first flight. I felt so bad! I picked up two sister who had been out full pros. and we went to the transfer meeting. It was really good. We got a chance to walk around the area and hand out Books of Mormons. It was a very different experience my second time around. :)
Oh and Sister Sandstrom was called as Sister Trainer, and we have pdays together! That makes me really happy, I'm really grateful to her.
Well Sorry I don't' have time to write about some of the neat things I'm learning we are about to go to the PCC. But just know that I love you and hope you all are having a fantastic week. Please be sure to write down a few of the blessings you have received this week.
Ill try to send pictures next week. Love ya!

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