Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Things here are going alright, same old. It's interesting being in a Visitor Center I love the variety we get. Transfers are coming up on the 21st, crazy that it's almost already been 6 weeks. I used to wonder why they would switch us around so often, but I think I figured it out this week. We have had a few cliques and it can cause problems when sister become to attached to certain sisters. Sometimes they would rather be with their previous companion than with their new one. It's hard to see some of the sisters struggle with how to work with their companion.
One of my comps is fairly trunky, but that's really something we deal with everyday. I get asked how long Ive been out almost every tour we give so we are constantly aware of our time :). It's been really helpful to think about what I want to accomplish every day. Of course I miss people at home but I really don't miss a lot of the stuff we have to deal with in the "real world." I'm not too sad you are going on a trip I think that will be great! Of course Ill miss you but you can't stop having fun just because we are gone, life goes on and there will be other opportunities. Besides we are going on a field trip ourselves on Monday! So in the Visitor Center we have a goal of 300 referrals a month. Last month we got 320 so we had a pizza party with President :) We raised our goal to 325 (weak new goal huh) But then we blew it out of the water receiving more than 460! It was so cool! So since there's not a lot to do in Laie we get to have an out of zone field trip! We are probably going to the sea life park.
One thing that's new here is they came and redid our God's Plan exhibit. I had never seen God's plan until my mission and I really liked it. That was the exhibit that I took Grandma through and it was really special. Well they have redone it and now it is is so much more powerful! It's a recipe for instant homesickness haha. I wish you could see it so you could know what I'm talking about! We love giving the tour but we have a hard time because at the end when we bear testimony we are all crying and trying to compose our selves haha. But it really does a great job explaining who we are, where we came from, how gospel can bless our families why temples are so important and how they can bless both the living and those who have passed on. It also just makes everyone who sees it really want to reconnect with their family. Including the missionaries :) Homesickness is just a part of missionary work, it comes and goes but I can never fully explain the blessings that come from serving a mission!
Well I have to scoot, love you all and enjoy Disney Land! I'm expecting some good emails or dear elders in the next few weeks, and some pictures!

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