Friday, September 30, 2011

Who's Side

Hi everyone!
Well Im still here, things are actually going really well. Training is really interesting. Sister Rodreguez can get really board sometimes when we have planning meetings and things like that. I feel bad because I remember the first few weeks and how lost you can feel. But unfortunately it's just something that comes with time. You can't really plan for peoples needs until you know them. But she's a great teacher and Im excited to see where she'll be in a few transfers. The new program, dad is for All missionaries they gave us a pamphlet to follow for 12 weeks. It goes through what's called the 8 fundamentals which are: The Doctrine of Christ, Role of the Holy Ghost,Revelation through Prayer, Revelation through the Book of Mormon, Revelation through Church Attendance, Teaching people not lessons, Inviting committing and following up and then How to begin teaching. We focus on these things and also on learning the lessons as well. The extra hour is really helpful because in a addition to helping sister Rodreguez learn about how to teach I get to train her on how to work in the Visitor Center. I didn't ever really think about how much I have really learned about the Visitor Center and how to work here. It's not till you have someone come who isn't familiar with it that it becomes apparent. I love the visitor Center and the opportunity I have to meet people from all over the world and help them take a piece of the gospel home with them.
I can't believe it's conference time already! Tomorrow we will be watching it at the visitor Center at 6 am and then at 10 am. Sunday however, I think me and my companion will go to the rebroadcast at 10 and 2. Having conference at two different times makes things a little tricky, because when we are trying to visit people we don't want to be out visiting when they are watching and we don't want to waste time after we have watched the sessions earlier.
I can't believe it's already October. Things are starting to slow down quite a bit, but this is the time the PCC has the Haunted Lagoon. So at the PCC we have a canoe ride that takes you past all of the villages. The haunted lagoon is a canoe ride at night in the dark and have people jumping out from the bank and even in the water! This might affect or tram tours because people will want to do that and we have to move our line to a different location. It also means for the next month we will be hearing music and lots of screaming. To bad we wont get to see it.
Im glad that you will be able to go to the ground breaking ceremony for the Payson Temple. We get to go to the Temple next week with our district because of Conference. whahoo. :)
Well Im out of time this week, But here's my thought for the day. There are a lot of things in life that can pull us away from our savior. Contention, being too busy, depression, feeling of inadequacy, laziness, judging our selves and our fellow brothers and sisters. All these things are from the adversary. He is fighting very hard in these last days to get us on his side. Who's side are you on? It's very easy to say "well I obviously want to be on the winning side, God side." But just reflect for a moment, do your actions match your desires? Are you doing the things that prove you are on Gods side? "Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself. " 2 Nephi 2:27
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. 34Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof." 3 Nephi 13:33. So please don't let the adversary win! We have all be taught the things we should do, reading, praying, church, basically following Jesus Christ example. If you truly are on his side you will do the things he has asked. Don't worry about the things of the world they will pass, hard things occur in our lives but when we rely on Christ they can be made easy and soon they won't matter anymore. If you are feeling the pull or emotions from the the adversary, read, pray and serve your fellow beings you will realize how blessed you really are.
I love you all! Thanks for your letters you have no idea how much they mean to me!
Love Sister Pinder

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